Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Take on Kevin Kelly and the Next 5000 Days

i always knew that computers were getting better and more efficient t a fast pace. i knew that the computer could process information faster than the human brain. but the thought that technology is on its way to being able to process more information than the entire human race is astonishing. it makes me think that if a computer has the processing power of an entire species how close is it to becoming an entity in itself. perhaps it is already an entity in itself.
the web isnt going anywhere and with the involvement of user generated content building on the internet, we are only letting it grow. i agree with Kelly. the web is a machine and we are still building it. we have created something that will not disappear. the web is growing at an unfathomable pace and every human being with access to the web is helping it grow. wether we add videos to youtube, post something about our life, or even search something in google. we help the internet grow. this means as our population grows the web will grow exponentially.
one can only imagine where the web will go. it has developed into a massive power in the world and will continue to evolve. no one can tell what the world will make of the web in the future, but it will be outstanding

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Web 3.0

i see the web becoming more than an entertainment, educational, or business tool. i see it being a necessity. i see the web being more like a personal companion rather than a tool to exploit. the web will be accessed by a hand held interface that will have a virtual inteligence in it. this inteligence will seem to have a personality and will be your guide into the web. it will gather informaton for you and make suggestions for you. it will keep your shedule in order. it will be your personal assistant. this virtual inteligence will be the web. it will communicate with the web and all things you do on the web in the most efficient way possible. it will hear your voice and respond with things it can find on the web. i can see these virtual intelicences being marketed and sold to people based on how smart it is and what personality it will have. google would probably have one and perhaps sites like youtube and facebook could have one that would interact better with their sites. like the youtube one will be better at gatthering videos or playing them. and the face book one will ba able to organize your messages and friends better. perhaps some will be better at finding reliable sources for school work. certain skills will judge the virtul inteligences price and worth. these inteligences will be our key to the internet and will make the surfing the web much easier.

Monday, April 12, 2010

this is my other image. its for my biomimicry article on Wikipedia.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

coke happy

this is my first emblem. this is for my emotional branding Wikipedia page.

Monday, March 29, 2010

illustrator idea

I'm thinking that i want to do a separate illustration for each article.

i intend to get some of my images from the internet and either vectorize them or trace them myself. the others i will create on my own in illustrator like the flower for the robo bee for instance. if i cant find an appropriate flower photo i will have to make my own on illustrator.

for the town i may do an illustration with the colors of their coat of arms. for the biomimicry one i think i will do a robo bee pollinating a flower. for the emotioal branding i may do an emoticon in coke colors.

Monday, March 22, 2010

follow up on wikipedia contributions

none of my contributions have been deleted however none have been reviewed. one has been up for 4 days but the other two were put up today. i atleast expected to have the first one reviewed by now but no such luck

wikipedia article 3

this article ia about a small town in Istria, Croatia and it needed to be updated. the cencus was old and was lacking any relevant information this is the original article.

Tinjan (Italian: Antignana) is a village and municipality in Istria, Croatia. The population is 1.770 (census 2001).

this is my revision

Tinjan (Italian: Antignana) is a village and municipality in Istria, Croatia. The population is 1.800 (census 2008). there are 400 people in town of the same name. it is 50 km north of Pula and 10 km southwest of Pazin, in the Draga valley. The Coat of Arms of Tinjan is azure on a base vert a tower argent behind walls of the same. This is based on the historical pattern

Wikipedia Article 2

this is an article about biomimicry. this is the examples section. the writer has some good examples but i feel there are others that would give a clearer meaning to the term.

Researchers, for example, learn from and emulate termites' ability to maintain virtually constant temperature and humidity in their Sub-Saharan Africa homes despite an outside temperature that varies from 3 °C to 42 °C (35 °F to 104 °F). Project TERMES (Termite Emulation of Regulatory Mound Environments by Simulation) scanned a termite mound and created 3-D images of the mound structure, which revealed construction that may ultimately influence human building design. The Eastgate Centre, a mid-rise office complex in Harare, Zimbabwe, (highlighted in this Biomimicry Institute case-study) stays cool without air conditioning and uses only 10% of the energy of a conventional building its size.
Modeling echolocation in bats in darkness has led to a cane for the visually impaired. Research at the University of Leeds, in the United Kingdom, led to the UltraCane, a product formerly manufactured, marketed and sold by Sound Foresight Ltd.
Janine Benyus refers in her books to spiders that create web silk as strong as the Kevlar used in bulletproof vests. Engineers could use such a material—if it had a long enough rate of decay—for parachute lines , suspension bridge cables, artificial ligaments for medicine, and many other purposes.[3]
Other research has proposed adhesive glue from mussels, solar cells made like leaves, bionic cars inspired by the boxfish, fabric that emulates shark skin, harvesting water from fog like a beetle, and more. Nature’s 100 Best is a compilation of the top hundred different innovations of animals, plants, and other organisms that have been researched and studied by the Biomimicry Institute.
A display technology based on the reflective properties of certain morpho butterflies was commercialized by Qualcomm in 2007. The technology uses Interferometric Modulation to reflect light so only the desired color is visible to the eye in each individual pixel of the display.
Biomimicry is an innovation method that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature's time-tested patterns and strategies, e.g., a solar cell inspired by a leaf. The goal is to create products, processes, and policies---new ways of living---that are well-adapted to life on earth over the long haul.

These are what the improvements i made are. i just added two more examples but they are something to improve the definition of biomimicry.

not only are they mimicing the behaviors of creatures in nature, but some researchers are recreating and replacing them. its common knowlege that the american bee is slowly dying. over 30% of the population has died off. to make up for this the reasearchers at the harvard university reasearch lab are creating a robo bee to take over the jobs of the bees that have died out. the robo bees would polinate flowers and would have all of the same capabilities of a bee, all the way down to being able to se the flowers the way that they do.
some researchers are mimicing what most would call a whirly bird. it will be mimicing a maple leaf seedling that spirals as it falls from the sky. it will be used to inspire one bladed flight technology. it will utilize a miniature jet engine and will probably be used for reconnaissance, taking a pictre every rotation.

Friday, March 19, 2010

wikipedia article

this is the artile i posted in wkipedia. i am waiting to see if it gets deleted or not. i kept it brief for a number of reasons. 1) lack of time. 2) to see what kind of feed back i would get. 3) to see if a brief article would make it ino wikipedia or are their requirements more specific.

Emotional Branding is a marketting term that has to do with the way the consumer feels about the advertised product, rather than the products image, useage, or price. Emotional baranding is the factor that companies play on when they advertise to market to certain demographics.

company advertisement has shifted from concentrating on the product to concentrating on th consumer. advertisement is more about psychology now more than ever. companies want an emotional connection between the product and the consumer. instead of stressing the products capabilities, focus is put on design and appearance. shapes and colors are carefully chosen to invoke specific emotions that the company wants associated with the product.

for example, the coca cola company has chosen specific colors for their can to inspire certain emotions. the general red color is a power color to inspire strength and confidence, and a general warm comforting feel. the silver stripes and bubbles give a refreshing look. and the yellow stripe is a subtle but important color that inspires a feeling of happiness. all together this design inspires a comforting family feel. their comercals also seem to promise a comforting and social experience. all of these factors create an emotional connection with the product. when the consumer sees the product in the store they not only see a refreshing drink, they feel a sence of happiness and comfort, hoping for the social interaction the commercails display.

Midterm idea

i found that there was not an entry for emotional branding in wikipedia. i decided to do some research the topic and make a brief page for wikipedia with multiple internet sources and see if it gets approved.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

SOCIAL MEDIA/WEB2.0 exercise

Question 1: user generated content will get better over time. technology will keep progressing, so the quality of media on the web will keep getting better. i do however believe that the pros will continue to use the quality of media that is generally found on the web. so the pattern for professional productions will be like a parabola. the quality started relatively high compared to media created by amateurs. then it slowly began to tone down the quality to seem more like an amateur work to gain popularity through familiarity. but from there the quality of amateur work goes up and the professional productions follow suit.

Question2: i chose an article about Ubisoft's flawed DRM (Digital Rights Management) scheme. i would have tagged it with things like Ubisoft, Assassins Creed 2, DRM Scheme, Online Gameplay, Settlers 7, or Flawed System. the acctual tags were DRM, Ubisoft, Prince of Persia, Assassins Creed 2, Settlers 7, Consant Connection, and PC Gaming. the tags i would have chosen were not too far off. it seems lke for tags you should pick the most obvious choices. you should pick thigs that would likely be keywords for a search for your article.

Question 3: transparency online is really important because in a social media world, anyone can get your information. that is a scary fact and something you generally want to avoid. if we are going to put information we should know what is gong to be done with it. without that comfort users are less likely to use that site. i think that transparancy offline is more important than transparency online. if we cant trust the people we can physically talk to with our information, then how can we trust any one online with our information. the trust has to start offline before it can develop over the internet.

Digital Nation (Second Half)

the second half of the video was much more informative and interesting. i found the first half to be interesting but the second half was filled with pressing issues and made the issues verry real. there were somethings that i can relate to like the sectin on World of Warcraft. i have played that game before and had to quit because it was so addicting. i saw that it was extremely addicting and i found it dificult to pull myself away from the game. i stopped playing because i know it will effect me worse and worse the more i play it.

the part about the schools being more techologicly advance with all f the computers and smart boards was really interesting because it was the same thing that was just beginning in my high school when i was there. the smart boards were just coming into play and there was more focus on using the computer labs in classes. there were even a few classes about making things on the computers and makng websites as elective classes.

i was reading an article in popular science magazine and there was a man who would become physically ill around technology. anything that was electrical would make him sick. he lives in the middleof nowhere in a cabin and his closest neighbor is 50 miles away. one time he met his neighbor and the friends cell phone went off. the man got sick to the point where he vomited then he passed out. it is the electro magnetic field or EMF. it gives off trce ammounts of radiation and in this man it greatly affects his body. this is a danger to all of us even if the effects are much less noticeable. there have been reports of people getting headaches from using their cellp hones for too long. is it possible that one day we will all be like the man i spoke about, and how long will it take?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Digital Nation

Digital Nation was really interesting. it really opened my eyes to the reality of how attatched we all are to our phones and computers. these days we are always connected to the internet every where we go and it is changing society. i always thaught that i was good at multitasking and after seeing the tests that were held i realized that it only divides your attention. you arent doing a good job at anything when multi tasking your only doing a bunch of things poorly. i diddnt realize this before.

i also found it interesting that when you are reading you are using less of your brain than when on the internet. i found this strange. i figured it would be the other way around since theres more analysis involved with a book. you have to read between the lines and get around context. with the web you simply search and it gives you answers. reading seems much more complicated and complex.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This represents Xbox as a medium for all different kinds of media. the master chief represents the media representation of the marines through the Xbox. the media blade shows how the Xbox can connect to all the media on your computer. the netflix image shows the video streaming that happens through Xbox live. the Guitar Hero images show how even video games are heavily adapting different medias into their game play with the relatively new music genre of games. the castle in the center with the Xbox on its roof is the core of the image. it encompasses all the ideas around it into an empire dedicated to the exploration and exploitation of media in the Xbox. this collage in its entirety is a representation of the "Kingdom" of media in one gaming console.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Xbox 360:
Content- audio, digital pictures, streaming video.

Message- connectingthe world with interactive gameplay while incorporating all sorts of media with it. forms a gaming community. keeps that community informed with videos, art from the games, and music. allows online theaters to watch movies together.

LG Chocolate:
Content- Digital audio, digital pictures,

Message- one of the first phones to double as an MP3 player. replaces common mp3 players.

IPOD Touch:
Content- digital audio, digital pictures, video

Message- brings together all forms of media into one small package. allows internet access almost anywhere. gives the average person the ability to look up anything at anytime.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

medium assignment

Xbox 360

LG Chocolate

IPOD Touch