Monday, February 22, 2010

Digital Nation (Second Half)

the second half of the video was much more informative and interesting. i found the first half to be interesting but the second half was filled with pressing issues and made the issues verry real. there were somethings that i can relate to like the sectin on World of Warcraft. i have played that game before and had to quit because it was so addicting. i saw that it was extremely addicting and i found it dificult to pull myself away from the game. i stopped playing because i know it will effect me worse and worse the more i play it.

the part about the schools being more techologicly advance with all f the computers and smart boards was really interesting because it was the same thing that was just beginning in my high school when i was there. the smart boards were just coming into play and there was more focus on using the computer labs in classes. there were even a few classes about making things on the computers and makng websites as elective classes.

i was reading an article in popular science magazine and there was a man who would become physically ill around technology. anything that was electrical would make him sick. he lives in the middleof nowhere in a cabin and his closest neighbor is 50 miles away. one time he met his neighbor and the friends cell phone went off. the man got sick to the point where he vomited then he passed out. it is the electro magnetic field or EMF. it gives off trce ammounts of radiation and in this man it greatly affects his body. this is a danger to all of us even if the effects are much less noticeable. there have been reports of people getting headaches from using their cellp hones for too long. is it possible that one day we will all be like the man i spoke about, and how long will it take?

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