Friday, March 19, 2010

wikipedia article

this is the artile i posted in wkipedia. i am waiting to see if it gets deleted or not. i kept it brief for a number of reasons. 1) lack of time. 2) to see what kind of feed back i would get. 3) to see if a brief article would make it ino wikipedia or are their requirements more specific.

Emotional Branding is a marketting term that has to do with the way the consumer feels about the advertised product, rather than the products image, useage, or price. Emotional baranding is the factor that companies play on when they advertise to market to certain demographics.

company advertisement has shifted from concentrating on the product to concentrating on th consumer. advertisement is more about psychology now more than ever. companies want an emotional connection between the product and the consumer. instead of stressing the products capabilities, focus is put on design and appearance. shapes and colors are carefully chosen to invoke specific emotions that the company wants associated with the product.

for example, the coca cola company has chosen specific colors for their can to inspire certain emotions. the general red color is a power color to inspire strength and confidence, and a general warm comforting feel. the silver stripes and bubbles give a refreshing look. and the yellow stripe is a subtle but important color that inspires a feeling of happiness. all together this design inspires a comforting family feel. their comercals also seem to promise a comforting and social experience. all of these factors create an emotional connection with the product. when the consumer sees the product in the store they not only see a refreshing drink, they feel a sence of happiness and comfort, hoping for the social interaction the commercails display.

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